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Dr Rosh also provides free medical advice via email on what treatments would work well for you. Simply tell us what your concerns are in the text box below and upload full frontal/side profile images.

Dr Rosh will personally review your message and pictures and then email you with tailored medical feedback of suitable treatments, procedure details, costs and before/afters of similar cases.

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**Please note any and all photos emailed to us are kept confidential and are only accessible by our doctors.**


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Clinic Locations

Mayfair Clinic – 58 South Molton St, London W1K 5S

Chiswick Clinic- Devonhurst Place, Heathfield Terrace, Chiswick, W4 4JE

Windsor Clinic- Sir Christopher Wren Hotel, Thame Street, Windsor, SL4 1PX

Iver Clinic- Templewood Clinic, 63 Chequers Orchard, Iver, SL0 9NJ

Email Address


Phone Number

01372 502 204