Our Gallery
At Roda Clinics, we proudly display our work.
Full Facial Rejuvenation
Profile Harmonisation
Structural Rejuvenation
Structural Rejuvenation
Structural Rejuvenation
Structural Rejuvenation
Cheek and Nose Filler
Cheek and Nose Filler
Cheek and Nose Filler
Nose Filler
Nose Filler
Full Facial Rejuvenation
Structural Rejuvenation
Nose Filler
Nose Filler
Nose Filler
Nose Filler
Nose Filler
Nose Filler
Tear trough filler
Full Facial Rejuvenation
Full Facial Rejuvenation
Tear Trough (Left treated, Right Untreated)
Full Facial Rejuvenation
Nose Filler
Cheek Filler
Chin Filler
Lip Filler
Lip Filler
Lip Filler
Tear Trough
Medial Cheek Filler
Jaw Filler
Midface Rejuvenation
Tear trough filler
Lip filler
Lip filler
Chin Filler
Tear trough filler
Tear trough filler
Nose tip lift
Tear trough treatment
Tear trough treatment
Chin filler (side profile)
Chin filler (Front profile)
Lip hydrating treatment
Lip filler (side profile)
Lip Filler 1ml
Lip filler
Lip asymmetry correction
Chin reconstruction post surgery
Anti-wrinkle to Forehead
Anti-wrinkle to frown lines
Anti-wrinkle to crows feet
Anti-wrinkle to crows feet
Botox to Forehead
Anti-wrinkle Upper face
Anti-wrinkle to under eyes
Anti-wrinkle to forehead
Anti-wrinkle to frown lines
Anti-wrinkle to crows feet
Anti-wrinkle to forehead
Lip flip_ Anti-wrinkle to smokers lines
Anti-wrinkle to crows feet
Anti-wrinkle to forehead
Anti- wrinkle to frown lines
Anti wrinkle to Crows feet
Fat dissolving of Abdomen
Fat dissolving of buttocks
Fat dissolving of abdomen
Obagi Nuderm System(1)
Obagi Nuderm system
Obagi Nuderm system(2)
Clenziderm System(1)
Clenziderm System(2)
Clenziderm System
Elastiderm Eye cream
Obagi Nuderm System